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    Subject: Re: Greetings
    Date: Sunday, March 20, 2011 6:41 AM
    From: Jos&eacute; Casas Pardo <>
    To: ANA CASAS <>

    Conversation: Greetings


dear Ana. I pray your forgiveness for my long silence. The truth isthat you have cause for concern abooout me. Even before receiving your last e-mail, depression had already set in, and I didn’t want to tell you anything to keep you from worrying. After receiving youre-mail, I have spent some of the worst days in my life. I even considered committing suicide, but fortunately, I don’t own a gun. Now I’m a little better, but still far from frommynormal state. Elena and Luis are here now, they are no help at all. It’s as if they hd no feellings. They are cold as fish. That is why I would like you to tell me if cld spnd two weeks with u maybe in July or August (or better yet, a month). Summer is absolute hll for meI would very mch like to meet your sons. Bg hugs, Dad






I haven’t seen my father for 18 years.

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